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4月15日雅思地图题范文:图书馆5年的变化 环球讯息

2023-04-19 12:10:18 来源:新东方在线雅思














The diagrams provide information about how a school library has changed after renovation.

The library is accessible from the old entrance in the south, which allows users to reach a row of rooms to their left as they walk in. To the south of the book information counter and meeting room is a new printer for convenient use, while the classroom at the northern end has transformed into an audio room.

The centrally located study zone, despite its previous four-table configuration, has been expanded with two more tables. This area is surrounded by bookshelves to the north and south respectively, and a dedicated computer books section to the east, features of the original layout. The office in the south-eastern corner, on the other hand, has been repurposed into a conference room.

In general, although the layout of the library has remained largely unchanged, the modifications allow it to accommodate more users for self-study and meetings.

(156 words)


1.renovation 翻新

2.accessible 可达到/可用的

3.to transform into改造成

4.centrally located位于中心位置的

5.configuration 配置

6.to expand 扩大

7.features of the original layout 原先布局已有的特点

8.to repurpose 改造

9.modification 修改

10.to accommodate 容纳/满足需求


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